Monday, September 4, 2017

our second day

We are all here!

A tour of our classroom.



Our morning message is a teaching tool and an important part of our morning meeting. Children share noticings about the message, they find words they know, and they may answer a question or practice a skill! Today, our morning message had every Kindergartener's name on it. I invited each child to come up to the message, find their name and circle it. The children had incredible patience and self control as they watched their peers, waited, and listened. Following meeting, the children initiated conversation with peers over their morning snack! 





Exploring a new math tool - unifix cubes. Following the children's work, CM shared how she had manipulated and used the cubes. It was our first whole group share following a hands-on exploration of a material! CM explained how she had set up her rows of cubes from longest to shortest - the amount represented in descending order, like stairs. 





Tossing and balancing bean bags in PE.






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