Saturday, September 30, 2017

exploring the zones

We began our week with a further investigation of the zones of regulation. My focus was on a deeper understanding as well as a recognition that throughout the day you may be in multiple zones - it's okay to feel angry or stuck, we all do at times. Exploring the zones in this way will help support our conversations and reflections throughout the year, as I may ask, what zone were you in during reading today? Or, did it feel like that was green zone work? Or, show me what reading in the green zone looks and sounds like. The zones are a concrete tool to support and encourage children to reflect on their feelings as well as their level of engagement. The Grouchy Ladybug provided a colorful read aloud touching upon big feelings, emotions, and language. I wanted children to name the zone they were in, share their zone on the morning message, and represent what it looks or feels like to be in a certain zone. We connected back to our conversation at the end of the day with this closing circle prompt;

When you find yourself out of the green zone
what do you do to get yourself back in the green zone?

IM - "I was feeling sad this morning, because I wanted to pick my own clothes. But, then I came to school. I just came to school and now it's okay"

CS - "It sounds like having time helped to get in the green zone. I often find that when I give myself time, I begin to feel better"

ZM - "I was in the blue zone this morning. I was so tired. I wanted to keep sleeping, so I said to my dad, one more minute. I had one more minute and then - I got up!"

CS - "So, I'm hearing that you made a plan with dad - having one more minute to rest helped you to get up and start your day"



Some children used the message as a tool for writing or labeling the zone they were representing;


Next Steps;

I will take their drawings and writing and put it into a book about the zones. It will be our third book that we've made this year! I find books to be a powerful way to document an experience as well as a rich means for revisiting. It is empowering for the children to see their work cared for and shared. Their writing, drawing, and ideas are important. Our work will also be used to connect to future teaching. In the writing unit we use, there is a focus on writing How To Books. As the Kindergarteners become experts on naming zones and feelings as well as strategies for being in the green zone, how authentic for them to write a book about How To Be in the Green Zone! This book could then be shared with future Kindergarteners or across classrooms. Of course, these are connections and dreams that go through my mind. The authentic and meaningful learning will come from the children - I will support and help scaffold the paths they choose.

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