Saturday, September 9, 2017

exploring shapes


On Tuesday I introduced a new math tool - pattern blocks. We named the various shapes, noticed and discussed the properties of the shapes, and explored the different ways the shapes could go together. Our calendar for the month of September displays a pattern of shapes, connecting to and supporting all of our conversations about shapes and patterns. Once introduced, new tools live on specific shelves.

While working at the tables, children talked about the patterns they were making, some built structures and colorful designs, and some noticed how many triangles or trapezoids fit within a hexagon. The children's creative stories about their work were full of math language. At one point, ZM waved to me from across the room and said, "I have to tell you the story about my shapes!" 

Following any explore or work time, we aways come together for a share. The share offers an opportunity for children to talk about their work and their thinking. Their peers are invited to ask questions or offer comments.

Introducing the Pattern Blocks; 
Noticings or knowledge about the blocks? 
How can we use these math tools? How do we care for them?












The Share;
"I put the pieces together to show us helping each other - each shape is a friend!" - RC


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