Saturday, February 3, 2018

true story - ski and ride!

Throughout the year we engage in opportunities for shared writing. This could be a letter to someone, the writing of a how-to book, or the telling of a true story. Ski and Ride has provided an incredible opportunity to reflect on and tell about a shared experience! 

On Wednesday we worked together to tell the outline of our Ski and Ride adventure. Using transitional words, children talked about our time together. We practiced telling about Ski and Ride orally, planning across four pages, and then writing the words. As I wrote the children's words on large chart paper, they helped to stretch out words and reminded me of using my sight word power

With whiteboard in hand, each Kindergartener provided illustrations and words for our book. We talked about detail, labels, speech bubbles, action, and making our readers feel like they were there with us. There is a lot of humor in our story, because outside of the context of the rental shop, we can all laugh at how busy it is. The children said, The rental shop is craze (crazy).

Ski and Ride

By - The Kindergarteners

1. First we got on the bus! We were excited. We were going to Smuggs.





2. Then we got to the rental shop. It was busy and a little crazy!






3. Finally we went to our lessons. We learned SO much. We had fun!


4. Then we went to lunch. We were tired, hungry, and happy.





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