Saturday, February 17, 2018

pancake celebration and two new choices

Pancake Celebration

With our community bin colorfully representing the many safe, kind, and responsible choices the Kindergarteners have been making, we voted for our next celebration.

16 of the 21 voters chose to make pancakes on Friday. Some of the children helped to make the simple batter during rest and some helped to pour the batter on the griddle during choice. Many of the children said we should have pancakes again, but next time we should make more and use less flour. I see this as an invitation for children to write our next pancake recipe!




Academic Choice

Continuing our work using flat shapes to construct geometric snowflakes, many of the children have excitedly chosen to build colorful snowflakes on black canvases. Additional recording sheets have been part of the experience, encouraging students to count the shapes used for each twirling design.

A continued interest in snowflake art inspired a new choice this week; snowflake painting. Using sharpies, water color, and their knowledge of different kinds of lines, some of the children have created bright and eccentric snowflakes! The snowflake paintings were admired by all of the children through a detailed share, in which the artists explained their work and how they created their snowflake inspired designs.



Our kind notes have developed into thank you notes to our many ski and ride chaperones. The children have eagerly decorated envelopes with stamps and cut pieces of paper, sliding thank you and love notes into each envelope. Our many thank you notes will go home the Friday before February vacation.


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