Saturday, May 19, 2018

preparing for reader's theater

This week, the Kindergarteners voted for the Jon Klassen book they will be reading for our Reader's Theater on June 1st. It was a close vote, but 11 of the children voted for I Want My Hat Back.

We had important work to do following our vote. We choral read I Want My Hat Back multiple times, thinking about how the children would read the book to the audience; with expression, smooth reading, and ensuring mindful transitions. We counted and listed the characters and wrote a note to our Kindergarten families, asking for breakfast treats to share during our community breakfast following the children's performance.

The children will begin to practice reading specific lines in the coming days, as we continue to prep and prepare for our special end of Kindergarten celebration of reading, literature, and community. As an additional piece to our Reader's Theater, we will be sharing our study of Jon Klassen's style and craft - in his writing and illustrations - and asking a question of the audience;

What do YOU think happened to the rabbit at the end of the story? 

If you are not familiar with this story - or Jon Klassen's work - I encourage you to purchase or borrow the book and reread it at home with your child. The Kindergarteners love the humor in Klassen's writing and illustrations!




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