Saturday, May 12, 2018

a persuasive letter to Mr. Shepard

Your words are important and can make an impact on our world.

The Kindergarteners have been concerned about our white fence all year long, as it continues to crumble and break. How will we hang out backpacks on a broken fence? What about the Kindergarteners next year and the year after that? What about having something beautiful when you first drive into our school? 

Honoring their concerns and connecting these conversations to our understanding of persuasive writing, we work together as a whole class to write a persuasive letter to Mr. Shepard, asking for a new white fence. If a new fence goes up, we will leave a plaque behind from this year's Kindergarteners - as I believe it is important for children to understand that as they move on, they always leave something behind.

To - Mr. Shepard

Our white fence is breaking. We need a new one!




It is where we hang our backpacks. 

We need a beautiful fence for all Kindergarteners.

For next year, then the next year, and all of the years!


If the fence is new and beautiful everyone will respect it and our outdoor space!



Thank you! We hope you like our idea, too.


The Kindergarten



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