Saturday, April 7, 2018

How To Build a Ramp

The Kindergarteners are a community of builders - from large to small building there has been an ongoing interest in various kinds of structures. Using recycled sheets of plywood, children have begun constructing ramps. With the integration of balls of different size and weight, as well as materials to cause friction, they have been exploring force and motion. The large building space in our classroom has transformed into an inquiry based space for theorizing and testing. A space for shared discovery.

With the interest in constructing ramps, we engaged in a whole class writing of a How To Book; How To Build a Ramp. Through this work children are making meaningful connections across content areas. Literacy is an important part of our science curriculum - being able to draw and label a blueprint, orally share your work with your community, explain your process, provide diagrams and labels on your structures - these are all things scientists do! The children eagerly embraced the opportunity to write a class book about ramps, using all that they know about informational writing to plan across pages and provide detailed steps.

How To Build a Ramp

By - The Kindergarten

Date - 4-4-18

1. First you need materials.






2. Then you need to put the materials together. 





3. Finally you can add obstacles to change direction or speed!





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