Saturday, January 13, 2018

reading partners

We have always talked about how we work together as a community to help or support all of our learning. When you have a question, ask a friend first, then ask the teacher. When you are part of an experience, make sure to be in the green zone, to help all of your peers learn. If you aren't ready, take a little break. Another way to support learning is through a partnership. Kindergarteners feel empowered when given the responsibility and trust to be a helpful work partner. 

On Friday, the children read one of their new books with their work partner. I watched, as the children sat close together, pointing to and reading each word. Partners give reminders to use strategies and can help develop fluency by echo reading - or rereading. I often find partner reading to be the most successful part of our workshop, as children want to share a favorite book or page with a friend, they want to talk about books, find sight words, and laugh at the silly or surprising pictures. Following our partner reading, one child mentioned bringing their book home to read to their family. From there, an idea was born! I quickly invited children to choose one book to bring home to read to their family. 

Of course, it is still important for children to be read to as often as possible. To engage with the colorful language or illustrations in a classic story. To talk about their favorite stories and make connections. To hear how readers read with expression. When I think about what Kindergarteners should be doing on the weekend or after school, I think about playing outside, building, and exploring. I think about being cozy with a loved one on a cold winter day, reading from a stack of favorite story books.




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