Sunday, October 1, 2017

small building

Many of the children have been interested in small building, constructing various designs and structures using a variety of small materials. Following their building, I have asked children to draw their work. Each structure, each piece, has a purpose and a story. The sharing and talking about their work as well as the drawing of their work provides layers of literacy embedded in their experience.

KC and TW eagerly chose to label their drawings. For KC, he stretched out the word s-u-n, hearing each letter in the word. TW had built a bridge, excitedly drawing his creation. Following his drawing, he asked peers how he could write the word bridge. His peers quickly and eagerly rose to occasion, showing him the word bridge on our morning message and in our read aloud from earlier in the afternoon, The Three Billy Goats Gruff.



KC and TW draw and record their structures.
Representing their designs in two different ways -
a physical structure and a labeled drawing.


"It's a space ship, see? This little piece of wood in the middle blasts off. There is goes! Look at all of the buttons. Now I have to draw it" - ZM

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