Sunday, October 15, 2017

a glimpse into choice



We have been exploring the colors of Fall through read alouds, the making of books, and our experiences with natural materials. On Friday, some children worked on a special canvas - coffee filters. They first covered their uniquely shaped canvases with red, orange, purple, and yellow ink. Once covered, the artists added water. Each final piece was a blended representation of the colors found in our woods and fields.

Small Construction;

The Kindergarteners continue to build bridges using rocks, stones, corks, buttons, and bark. While building bridges they are testing and exploring balance and weight. They turn and stack the rocks and wooden rods in different ways and directions, constructing from their unique plans.


The Share; 

IM explains the details of her bridge and the materials used to construct her work. Later, she draws and labels an image of her bridge. She stretches the word bridge and writes the corresponding letters. The focus isn't about conventional spelling, but hearing for letter sounds. Her perspective was looking down. Knowing the materials used in her work, I wonder what her drawing would look like from the side? I wonder if she could recreate the structure from her drawing? What other labels would she need to support her (or a peer) in rebuilding her structure? I plan to put their drawings together, creating a small book of bridges to keep in our science space. These drawings by the children along with photographs will be a way to revisit, reflect and recreate.


TJ notices the lines of his bridge, one straight down and one across - again, a reference to a t is made. His bridge has a collection of rods underneath, providing support.

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