The children have many shared interests; working with learned letters, exploring patterns, and constructing with small materials. Using their interests to expand on learning opportunities during academic choice, I offered the new choice of building letters.
A tray of large letter cards, snap cubes, wire, gems, and tiny rocks were an open invitation to construct. Some Kindergarteners explored patterns through their building.
On the first day, KC eagerly chose to build letters. He snapped and stacked, made straight lines and curved lines. Cindy asked a gentle question; I wonder how many there are? It was all KC needed to record how many of each material he used to construct the letter m. After sharing his recording sheet with his peers, I asked KC to create a blank sheet. He drew a picture and wrote the word for each material; rock, cube, gem, and wire.
Copies of KC's recording sheet were added to the choice, inviting all letter builders to count and record how many materials they used.
ML added an additional literacy component. Thinking about a word with the beginning letter sound, she drew a picture and wrote the familiar sentence; _____ is for . . .
When learning opportunities come from the interests of the children we work with, children are more likely to take initiative of their learning. They independently and eagerly develop and expand on an experience or concept. Academic choice is a time to listen and observe, to question and wonder - it is a time rich with meaningful teaching and learning, for the students and the teacher.
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